Τετάρτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Tenerife Sea

Tenerife....Spend five months in this beautiful island.
Five months of my life full of unforgettable memories
and important life lessons.
It was not easy at all, everyday was a battle.
There were some hard situations i had to come through,
but in the end i left feeling so filled and Thankful!

 The place that i lived, in the picture above, called Tacoronte.

 I was not in the touristic area of Tenerife, the weather was not always sunny.
 In fact, i was in a small north village with a lot of hills and difficult roads, it was raining all the time till the end of June,(with few words all the time i was there), and i even got sick because of the weather.
  Sounds fantastic , right?


I saw a total different side of this island. I can say, i saw the way the people live there.
And i think this was the case.

I went also to visit and the touristic areas but to me, i still prefere the place i was, it was more original, it had an identity, it had not became a touristic attraction for foreigners.

                            The Capital of the island & the Carnival Celebration

 The Capital of Tenerife is called Santa Cruz

The first time i went to the capital was during the Carnival celebration, you can see in the pictures some festivities that took place that day.

 The Carnaval of Tenerife, it is said to be the second biggest in the whole world. 
   It was m-a-g-i-c-a-l, the costumes, the music, the rhythm ,

In this photos you can see different cities and places of the island.
 Two of my favourite cities are called La Laguna and Candelaria.
But this doens't mean that thοse are the only one's worth watching, there are much more places
you can visit, with a big variety of different things. 


 I worked in a public school, both kindergarten and primary school. I am so happy that i was part of this school, so many informations, music, art, appretiation for other cultures.
It was such an eye opening experience! 

 I want to say a huge thank you to the people who were by my side.  Thank you for the wonderful memories we shared together, the laughter, the travels, the new experiences. A BIG thank you to all those who helped me when times got rough, all those people who turned out to be such amazing friends and stood by my side.
 I will Never forget you , and i will try to keep in touch as much as i can!

But i also, met some people that maybe they tried to take advantange of me, still they gave me an important lesson, a lesson that has to do with the fact that you have to walk away from situations and people that disrespect you with your head up.

 Sometimes the limits that you put for yourself are there waiting to get over them. 
Take changes, go out of your comfort zone and try to stay possitive
 no matter how bad the things might seem. 
Nothing good comes out without fighting for it in the first place,
keep that in your mind!
Till the next time!  

Δευτέρα 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

H Τίγρη

...Κορφή δέν υπάρχει, υπάρχει μονάχα ύψος.
Ανάπαψη δέν υπάρχει υπάρχει μονάχα αγώνας.
 Τί γουρλώνεις τα μάτια ξαφνιασμένος;
Ακόμα δέ μέ γνώρισες;
Θαρρείς πώς είμαι φωνή του Θεού;
όχι, είμαι ή φωνή σου ταξιδεύω πάντα μαζί σου, δέ σέ αφήνω, αλίμονο νά σέ άφηνα μονάχο!

  Μιά φορά, όταν πάλι πετάχτηκα θυμωμένη άπο το σπλάχνο σου,
μου ’δωκες ένα όνομα καί το κρατώ,
 μου αρέσει είμαι ή Τίγρη ή Συνταξιδιώτισσα.

Σώπασε τή γνώρισα, κι ή καρδιά μου στερεώθηκε.
 Γιατί νά τη φοβηθώ;
Ταξιδεύουμε πάντα οί δυό μας ολα τά είδαμε καί τά χαρήκαμε μαζί.
Φάγαμε κι ήπιαμε οι δυό μας στά τραπέζια της ξενιτιάς, πονέσαμε μαζί, χαρήκαμε μαζί πολιτείες,  ίδέες.

Κι όταν, φορτωμένοι λάφυρα, γεμάτοι πληγές, γυρίζαμε στο ήσυχο κελί μας,
ή τίγρη ετούτη γαντζώνουνταν αμίλητη στην κορφή του κεφαλιού μου,
εκεί ναι ή σπηλιά της.

 Απλώνεται σοφιλιαστά γύρα στο κρανίο μου,
χώνει τά νύχια της στο μυαλό μου κι άναθιβάνουμε κι οί δυό,
άλαλοι, τά οσα είδαμε, καί λαχταρίζουμε τά οσα έχουμε άκόμα νά δούμε.

Χαιρόμαστε πού όλος ό κόσμος, όρατος κι άόρατος, είναι βαθύ,
 άξεδιάλυτο μυστικό βαθύ, ακατανόητο, πέρα άπο το νού,
 άπο την πεθυμιά, άπο τή βεβαιότητα.

Κουβεντιάζουμε, ή Τίγρη ή Συνταξιδιώτισσα κι εγώ,
καί γελούμε πού είμαστε τόσο σκληροί,
 τρυφεροί κι άχόρταγοι γελούμε γιά τήν άχορταγιά μας,
κι άς ξέρουμε πώς ένα βράδυ, σίγουρα, θά δειπνήσουμε μέ μιά φούχτα χώμα καί θά χορτάσουμε.

 Τί χαρά είναι ετούτη, ώ Ψυχή τού άνθρώπου, ώ Τίγρη Συνταξιδιώτισσα, νά ζεΐς, ν’ άγαπάς τή γης καί νά κοιτάζεις το θάνατο καί νά μή φοβάσαι.

Νίκος Καζατζάκης : «ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ ΣΤΟ ΓΚΡΕΚΟ»